The Spiritual gym is a circle that encompass the ultimate Mindfulness and compassion practices curriculum.

We ran as a weekly an in-person class for about one year, from September of 2022 to October of 2023. Stay tuned for future iterations of this explorations!

Some of the topics we covered:

  • Mindfulness Meditation and breathwork techniques;

  • Embodied awareness practices, such as Qigong;

  • Conscious resting practices such as Yoga Nidra (aka Non Sleep Deep rest);

  • Mindful eating;

  • Mindful Communication;

  • Nervous System regulation practices;

  • Compassion (for other and self) practices;

  • Cultivating Emotional Awareness and Balance;

  • Enhancing Resilience;

  • Radical Acceptance, leaning to be with what is;

  • Embracing the paradoxes that life brings us.


Since September of 2021 I’ve been teaching Mindfulness classes (starting on zoom only) after obtaining my Certification through the Awareness Institute 2 year program (Led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach).

In September of 2022 classes started in-person at the Portal Community Center in Berkeley. Rebranded as the Spiritual Gym since April of 2023, I aim to combine my mindfulness teaching background with new modalities, making it accessible for anyone. This is a no-frills, easy curriculum to follow even if you have no experience. I’ve been teaching regularly both in person and virtually since Oct 2021.